
Pete the Cat Themed Easter Celebration

Thursday was our last day of school this week. A four day weekend was planned on the school calendar, but we had to make up a bad weather day. So we made the best of it with a Pete the Cat: Big Easter Adventure themed day.

We began our day with a read aloud. 

 We work while we play so...

These are a few of the answers that the kiddies got to put under the document camera and read to the class. They love getting to see their work projected onto the screen.
ABOVE: Yes, because it's respectful and it is nice.
BELOW: There will be no eggs to find. And the Easter Bunny will be sad.

BELOW: The kids are going to not believe (in the Easter Bunny).

BELOW: Yes, it's how you make BFFS. (he he)

In the story, Pete paints Easter eggs, so we did too. First, we drew designs or pictures with crayons. 

This little gal said she drew the bunny for her little brother in Pre-K. What a sweetie!

Then, we dipped them in warm water, vinegar, and food color. 

The yellow eggs are my favorite. So bright. So spring. 

We did a little writing after that. How to Color Easter Eggs. I failed to take a picture.

After a break for recess and lunch, we created Pete using pattern blocks. Then, we traced our pattern or blocks to make a craftivity. The template can be found here. It can be used with any Pete book. We added bunny ears because, in Big Easter Adventure, Pete wears bunny ears. 

Finally, it was time for an egg hunt and our Spring Party. It was a fun day, but an exhausting day. I'm so happy for a three day weekend. Plus, next week is more state testing and I get diplaced from my room for two days  to a portable with no desks or chairs. It's going to be interesting!

Still up in the air about your Earth Day plans? Please consider this:

There's an interactive mini book, CLOSEer Reading Passage with vocab and post reading questions, writing prompts, recycling flip book, some fun stuff and a stained glass Earth craft template (the craft is not pictured here). 

Go ahead, link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching

Enjoy the long weekend!


  1. Just found your blog through Doodle Bugs linky- love your blog's name! :) So cool that you went from middle school to elementary. Your Earth Day unit looks so cute!
    Happy Teaching,
    Adventures in Teaching (A First Grade Blog)
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  2. Loved reading your kids' "Think About It" writing related to the Pete the Cat book! Just found your blog today and am a new follower and fellow teacher blogger. Will be back often!

    Sarah @ Hoots N' Hollers

    1. Hi, Sarah. Thanks for stopping by. I'm on my way over to check out your blog now!

  3. Looks like a fun day! I love Pete the Cat! I also moved down to elementary from middle school! A challenge - but a fun one!
