
May Currently

We've made it to May! As school years go that's a VERY BIG DEAL. The only thing better than a May Currently is a June Currently :-)

If you have any great gift ideas for a student teacher, please share by leaving a comment below! She wants to teach first grade. 

If you've visited the Grand Canyon, I'd love to here your thoughts on that too. Any recommendations?


  1. I also have started my summer countdown - 16 more school days:) It will be here before you know it! Enjoy those kindergarten years with your daughter. Time flies by. I am with you on the healthy eating and exercise - same old story, different month:)

    Have a great rest of the school year!

  2. I think we all are in the count down for summer! I hope you make it to the Grand Canyon. I remember when I went as a child, it was impressive. I too need to clean, eat right, and exercise. Seems like it is always on the list. Have a great last few weeks!


  3. The houses of all little ones must be tuned into Disney or Nick Jr....Daily!!!! I know ours is!!!

  4. When I was a student teacher my lead teacher gave me a photo album filled with pictures of the students in the class along with a note from each child. The cover said "You will go on to change the lives of hundreds of students, but you will always remember these ones because they are your first." I LOVED it! I have also seen teachers ask the parents to each donate an item that might be helpful for the teacher's class the next year and make a good basket with it.

  5. When I was a student teacher, I got a class picture with a frame that the kids had autographed. It is super cute and is hanging in my classroom! I also got a teacher cup, which is essential!
    Sweet Tea and Second Grade

  6. KaSandra, I always give my student teachers a picture story book for their future collection, or if they are in their final year (and, let's be honest, they were really, really good) I make up a "Teacher Survival Kit" just in a basket with stuff I think they'll use, like this

    Good luck!
    Stars and Wishes
