02 September 2014

Teacher Tips Tuesday

You know how every year you tweak some things and think up some new tricks that will positively, definately, for sure help you stay better organized and make your life all kinds of easier??? 

Me too. I'm one of those people. Here's how I revamped a few things for this school year. It's only the beginning of week two...but, so far so good :-)

Day two I let my firsties choose a book box with a number on it. 

This became THEIR NUMBER. It's the number on their mailbox.

It's the number they will use to determine which math tub they get each day.

It's the number they write beside their name on the top of EVERY paper. 

So far this is working for me because:
1. I can reuse the book boxes without having to lable over a child's name.
2. I do not have to re-label the mailboxes every year. Those are the same stickers I put on there last year. Children can file their work easily. And, the numbers make it easy for any student to "file"  papers in student mailboxes if necessary.
3. For word work on Wednesdays we do a worksheet that supplements the Words Their Way program. I plan to place the worksheets in a drawer labled "Worksheets". Students take the worksheet with their number at the top. Yes, I have to take a minute to write the numbers at the top before I put them in the drawer, but this allows me to easily spot check for who still hasn't started their worksheet yet. Once Daily 5 is in full swing children do word work at different times during the day, so I think this system will be helpful. 

(Coming soon...a post that is all about word work and what we do each day of the week.) 
Here are the worksheets that go in the drawer. These packs come with three different worksheets per word sort. I only use one. But I like to have options. 

Okay, next new trick.

See the pencil on two anchor charts about writing and the stick figure with a book on the charts about independent reading??? I'm trying to link the charts. Related charts will all get the same doodle/symbol. This way if a child is referring to an anchor chart, he/she can follow the symbols to a related anchor chart. 

Are you still with me?
Check out these pics of a friend's kinder classroom. Love the circus theme! Isn't she sooo creative?

1 comment:

  1. I like your Daily Five Anchor Charts! I am launching Daily Five this year and I am a bit anxious about doing it. I hope it works out in my classroom too :)
    Three Cheers for First Grade!
