15 June 2014


I've been on summer vacation for one week and I haven't accomplaished very much...but, it is summer after all. 
I've done some reading: The Daily 5 (second edition) and The CAFE Book
I've gone to Zumba three times, but I negated that effort with wings and cheese fries :-(
I really need to get with the program, ya'll!!!!! 

BUT today I was inspired by chapter 5 of The Daily 5 to make myself a check-list of all the foundation lessons so I don't have to flip through the text constantly.  And, I created some organizational labels for my Word Work drawers based on some suggestions by the sisters.  You can download them for FREE by clicking the links below the pictures. 

I made one change to the Work on Writing foundation lessons. I changed "Underline the Words You Do Not Know How to Spell, and Move On" to "Write all the Sounds You Hear and Move On". Beginning of the year firsties would have to underline LOTS of words! But if you want the list the "right" way, there is a second list (page 2 of the download) that lists "Underline...". 

Foundation Lessons Checklist

D5 Word Work Organization Lables

Are you doing any professional development type reading this summer? Also on my list is Marvelous Minilessons for Teaching Beginning Writing, K-3 by Lori Jaminson Rog and Interactive Writing: How Language & Literacy Come Together, K-2 by Andrea McCarrier, Gay Su Pinnell & Irene C. Fountas.

Happy reading!


  1. Ohh, I like your labels - I haven't see the clay and golf tees as a word work idea before, I love it!

    1. Thanks, Kelsey! I wish I could take credit for the clay and golf tees idea, but I read about in The Daily 5 (2nd edition). Roll out the clay (I'm thinking of getting some skinny pvc pipe cut into small pieces to use like rolling pins) and write a word using the golf tees.
