26 May 2014

Ready-Set-Print Word Work: Same Vowel Word Families

You will probably think I'm crazy, but I started a to-do list for next year back in March! I'll prep all summer long and I'll love every minute of it. I know some teachers don't want to spend a single minute thinking about school until August, and I DON'T BLAME THEM. But not me. I feel like I get my best ideas during the summer when I don't have an approaching deadline and I can work on whatever I want at whatever pace I feel like it. Before blogs and Pinterest (seems like forever ago, right?) I used to checkout other teachers' websites during the summer in search of fun ideas. And, I found lots of great resources and ideas that way. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Then, about two years ago I discovered edu-blogs and Pinterest. Anyway, I digress....

We do a different activity each day of the week. Wednesday is word work workbook day. One of the things I would like to change for next year is my word work workbook pages. And I just finished the same vowel word family pages!

I'm giving away a copy on my Facebook fan page tomorrow evening! Check it out here.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely not crazy - I always do loads of work at the start of the holidays when I'm still in work mode and can enjoy doing it without the pressure. If I don't do it then, I get very lazy towards the end of the break! Your word work pack looks great!
    Growing Little Learners
