01 May 2014

May Currently

It's May 1st! Where did the school year go??? Only five weeks to go and my first year as a first grade teacher will be a thing of the past...a memory...a glorious memory! I've had so much fun!! I'm so blessed that my new campus is full of people who love what they do and come to work with a smile on their face every day.

Here's the break down - 

Listening - My husband and four year old daughter are watching The Croods for the second time this week. 

Loving - EOS. You've seen it. You've probably wondered, "What on earth is it?" It's lip balm in an egg shaped container. Go figure. But it's awesome. My favorite is the mint flavored one in the green egg. So far. There are plenty more to try.

Thinking - My 17 year old got an award tonight for reading the 6th most novels this year at his high school - 86! My 15 year old just became gainfully employed. His first job is at McDonald's. My four year is going to her first sleep over at her BFF's house tomorrow, and my baby will be 2 years old in six days. I think math will be her thing. She can already identify an octagon, rhombus, and many more shapes! They.won't.stop.growing. 

Wanting - The Whole Brain Teaching National Conference is FREE. It's in Louisiana in June. My husband doesn't want me to go alone. I really wanna go...I need a travel buddy.

Needing - This pic is for real, people! I just snapped it. I need a manicure intervention...last weekend came and went and I just couldn't fit it in. Fingers crossed for this weekend. 

Surprise - I've expanded my list of favorite blogs to include A Day in First Grade. For the longest time, I mostly read the blogs I discovered intially. Probably the same ones many of you do. The ones with a massive following (rightfully so), but I made a decision to expand my options. I just knew there were many more gifted teachers with inspiring blogs that were worth REALLY following. If you haven't stopped by Kristen Smith's blog you should! She's awesome. 

P.S. I've gone social. Memories Made in First now has a Facebook Page. I'm gearing up for a summer of give-aways. Don't miss out on the fun! Follow me: https://www.facebook.com/memoriesmadeinfirst.


  1. My daughter just got her first job too so I know your excitement! I love your comment on expanding your options on blogs. I have done exactly the same thing. There are so many great ideas out there!

  2. I love that you have a 4 yr old girl watching The Croods and I have a 4 year old boy watching The Little Mermaid. Sounds like you work in a fabulous place. I'm going to have to check out those lip balms. I saw like a jumbo pack of all colors at Cotsco. Have you seen it? Good luck finding a travel buddy. I hear the conference is AMAZING.

    Sandy @Elementary Expedition

    1. I have not seen the jumbo pack. I'd have to drive across town to find a Costco. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but in Houston across town couls mean and hour or more in traffic. There is a Sam's Club near me. Maybe I'll spot it there.

  3. Oh, I just love Kristen's blog! She and I started blogging about the same time, and she is just so stinkin creative! i found you from Farley, and I'm so glad i did! Your blog is adorable, and I cant wait for more ideas and inspiration from you!

    1. Amber,
      Thank you for the sweet comments. I'm on my way to check out your blog now :-)

  4. Hi KaSandra! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Kids grow up so fast. My daughter is 5 and I think back to her baby years like it was yesterday...sappy I know.
