11 April 2014

Five for Friday: Favorite Pins {April @ School}

How do you organize your Pinterest Boards? When I first started pinning I was too general. For example, I think I had a board called "Stuff for School". Ha! Pinning newbie. Next, I got a little more specific and created some subject area boards like "Math Yo!" and "Bulletin Boards". But theeeen, I happened upon a teacher pinner who organized her boards by month. LIGHT BULB! So I started doing that because I was sure this was a genius idea. So now, I just check out my "(Insert month here) @ School" board to see what I thought was a groovy idea when I first ran across it. And that brings me to Five for Friday: Favorite Pins for April :-)

But first, you can still Pin It to Win It! and get my Pete the Cat Easter: CLOSEer Reading, Writing Prompts, and More Packet. Read about it in this post. And, I just added Pete the Cat: Pattern Block Activity to TpT this evening. The activity and craft would be an excellent supplement to the Easter packet. 

Now, about those pins...

I pinned this awesome volcano craft from A Day in First Grade. This blog is awesome! My new fave, for sure. The kiddos spayed a mix of paint and water out of water guns onto their volcanoes. We are not studying volcanoes, BUT we are studying poetry. Maybe this can be a Friday craftivity if we write a poem about volcanoes. I know my firsties would L-O-V-E it.

I love books and I really love it, when someone compiles lists of books for school. This comes from Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas.

And, I just found this foil and sharpie egg on there too!

I don't know what it is about these bunnies...but I love them! Maybe it's the brightly colored stripes. A lil Easter painting, anyone? This pin is from Learning in Spain.

We're currently studying plants, not insects. But if we were... This pin is from Annie Moffat

Say it with me, "AWWWW..."

It looks like I pinned lots of crafts for April. But other months include pins for other stuff too, like science experiments, teacher made resources, ideas from teacher blogs. 

You can check out my Pinterest Boards at http://www.pinterest.com/kasandrateach/.

How did teachers keep up with anything before Pinterest???

Your turn. Link up!

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