23 March 2014

Sunday Funday: Creating a preview file for TpT

Ya'll! I'm having one of those, "I can figure out how to do anything!" moments (ya know, in which you're very pleased with yourself and you have to tell SOMEBODY).

I'm finally getting around to posting some of my teacher made resources to TpT. I'll be uploading stuff all spring and summer long in time for a Grand Opening at B2S time. Anyway, I did NOT know how teachers made those spiffy previews that displayed all of the components of a packet in one picture/slide. Then, I remembered that last summer I started a Pinterest board called "Blogging/TpT tips". So I decided to check out my pins to see if I had one on this topic. Sure enough!!!! Here is the link to my pin: Creating a preview file for TpT. This link will take you to a YouTube video by a lady named Tori R. She makes the process super easy to understand. Well, you probably already know how, but if you're like me and you'd like to learn today, she's your girl! While you're there follow me on Pinterest too :-)

Look what I made:

This is how I spent my Sunday Funday. What I should really be doing is finishing the 30 hours of online GT training I'm required to finish by March 31st. But that's NO FUN AT ALL.

I'm excited to like up with A Burst of First for my first ever Sunday Funday Linky!

Have a great week!


  1. Thanks for the tip on where to go searching for making previews! I'll be checking it out.

  2. Your preview for your product looks great! I will have to check out that video as well! Thanks for the tips! Your classroom flip also looks great! I always like changing my room around, some years it looks better than others! I'm always looking to make more space. Your blog is super cute, how fun you are teaching first now from middle school!! First grade is so fun! I am running my first giveaway if you are interested for a TpT gift certificate and an item from my store. Happy Monday!
    Tricks of the Trade in First Grade
