09 March 2014

{Spring Break}

Hi friends,

Before you read any further, please know there is NOTHING educational about this post. It's just me familiarizing myself with my new blog design (pretty cool, huh?) and going crazy with BeFunky!

My Spring Break started off with a girls' trip to wine country. Some of my former co-workers (i.e. 6th grade teachers) and I met up on Friday after school and road tripped it to Fredericksburg.

I discovered BeFunky, the FREE photo editor, and I may have gone a little overboard here. :-)

Anyway, I went on this trip determined to discover my inner wine drinker and spend some quality time with my girlfriends. We arrived in Fredericksburg on Friday night and found our accommodations to be cozy and charming:

As you can see I figured out how to create a border and label my photos. Ha! It's so simple, but I feel quite accomplished.

Anyway, on Saturday morning we made our way to the visitor's center to take the 290 Wine Shuttle. For $20 you can vineyard hop between eight different wineries. Try as I might to enjoy the wine, I made "the face" almost every time I took a sip. It didn't matter which Texas wine I tried, white or red, dry or sweet, I just couldn't find one for me. But, I had a great time catching up and hanging out with the girls! We started off at Grape Creek Vineyards. The atmosphere was nice and I got a wine glass outta the deal. $15 for six tastes and they give you a little score card so you can keep track of what you like. Then, we headed over to Torri De Pietra. This place was packed and it had a live band under a covered pavillion so you could sip and dance, sip some more, dance some more. The wines here had really interesting names like Dirty Girl and Red Flirt. Last, we checked out Mendlebaum Cellars. This place offered Holy Land wines from Isreal. It wasn't as crowded, and you could also sample olive oils from Isreal. This is the only place we purchased bottles of wine. Well, not me. But Miranda and Amy really liked the reds here. That evening we had dinner at Auslander Restaurant and Beirgarten. I'm a pale ale kinda girl, so this place suited me just fine. I don't know if I just don't like Texas wines, or if I'm just not cultured enough (he he he) to enjoy wine. Actually, I did bring home one bottle of Muscat Canelli from Sister Creek Vineyards. This place wasn't on the tour, but I tasted the wine at one of the cellars on Main St. and felt like I had found a winner. The gentleman there told me this particular wine is closer to an Italian wine than the Texas variety. So, maybe I have more European taste (he he he again).

Saturday night we played a card game called Cards Against Humanity. Holy guacamole, Batman! I was cracking up. Look it up!

Sunday morning I spent way more money in just a couple of hours buying gifts for my children, husband, dog, and one of my sisters than I spent on myself all weekend. It's because I'm a mother. Only a mother feels like if she got to get away she should buy gifts for the poor people stuck at home doing the "norm". Sheesh!

On to other matters - can you believe my new blog design???? Tenille at Templates by Tenille fixed me up. It's my birthday gift to me. Now my blog looks better, so I need to be a better blogger. I read about Tenille on a blog called Teach 123. I checked out her portfolio and I was sold. I'll be updating all my new tabs over Spring Break. Once I get my blog in order, maybe I can finally focus on TpT. That's my next project.

Ahhhhhh! Look at the time! Spring forward stinks.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your new blog design! Happy Birthday! I miss seeing the three amigos together on a daily basis. I'm glad you are having a fantastic year! You deserve it! But we miss you!!!
