12 August 2013

Teacher Week: Let's Talk About Me!

It's Teacher Week! According to Blog Hoppin', "Each day this week is a different linky party with a 'hot teacher topic.'"

Today is:

1. I'm a mommy to four...yes, four, children. The age span between the oldest and the youngest is 15 years! Looong story.

The sweetie on the left is 15 months old. When she says, "cheese" her smile gets so big her eyes disappear. She gets that from her father. The doctor says she has very advanced speech with over 30 words and more everyday. Proud mommy. The lil beauty in the middle is three years old. She does ballet and gymastics. Yesterday at Target the girlies both got Hello Kitty hats which they are modeling. The pic on the right shows the size difference between the oldest and the youngest. He's 16. I'm not posting close-ups of the teenage boys. They would be mortified if they knew I mentioned them in my blog. The 14 year old can't stand it when we "Facebook him." Hehehe.

2. I'm married to Manuel. He's a financial advisor and an excellent husband and father. Except when I clean up after him. 

He would also threaten me with a firing squad if I posted his pic, so here's a pic of my wedding ring instead. I adore it. And, I'm totally disgusted by how hairy my fingers look in this pic. LOL

3. I kinda speak Spanish. Okay, I speak Spanglish. Sort of.

4. My family is very culturally diverse. It seems all of my sisters (3) are married to a man of a different ethnicity. The only unmarried sibling is my brother. I joke that if he marries an Asian women, we would have just about every inhabited continent covered.

5. I recently cut my hair off and had it dyed redish brown. I'd post a pic, but I try never to take selfies so I don't have one.

6. My secret singer crush is Selena Gomez. I really like her songs, but I feel like a 12 year old kid for saying it out loud :-)

7. I L.O.V.E. reality tv. Does that make me a bad person??? Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Tia & Tamera, Biggest Loser, Impractical Jokers...I think this means I wish I were a thin, funny, wealthy socialite, actress. No, I don't think, I know that's what this means!

8. I wish I owned a Buffalo Wild Wings. My fave flavors are Thai Curry and Mango Habanero. What's yours?

9. My two favorite movies of the summer thus far are: 2 Guns and We're the Millers. The part in We're the Millers where the boy sings TLC's "Waterfalls" is hilarious!

10. I'm going to be late linking tomorrow's Classroom Digs. Due to construction I just got into my room today. Tuesday and Wednesday I have trainings all day. Can't make it back to my digs til Thursday, but I'll finish up and take pics for sure.

Don't forget to link up!

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  1. Nice to "meet" you, KaSandra! Best of luck in your move to first grade! It is challenging (but so is middle school!!!) but so rewarding. My husband did the opposite - he went from teaching 3rd grade to middle school computers to now teaching high school TV Productions and Film, which he LOVES, but I don't think either of us would have seen coming back when we got our elementary degrees together! ;)

    Lindsey at Forever First Grade

  2. Hi KaSandra!

    I really hope that liking reality TV doesn't make you a bad person because I'm secretly addicted, too! I feel like all the real housewives and Kardashians are my besties :P

    I've also never seen either of those two movies but I am putting them on my list right now! I've been dying to see We're the Millers...I have to see every Jen An movie. *love* her!

    Good luck moving to grade one, you're gonna LOVE it!! :D

    Fun With Firsties
