17 July 2013

Ten Pins for Writing

Hiya friends,

It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for another Ten Pin Linky Party with Ashley from Just Reed. This week's pins are all about writing. If you wanna checkout my Write On! board (which is kinda lacking if I'm being honest) or any of my boards you can follow me on Pinterest at http://pinterest.com/kasandrateach/.

My first pin is my all time favorite writing related resource that I've ever purchased from TpT.

Kerri Bordelon's writing resources are awesome. I L-O-V-E the picture dictionary that comes with each theme. Themed writing paper is also included. And, you can get writing packets with the picture dictionary and themed paper for any and every book or theme you could ever imagine. I'm going to stock my writing center with Keri Bordelon's stuff! (I take an oath she is not paying me to say these things. I've never contacted her:-)

EDIT: I have to add my favorite writing resource that I ever got for F-R-E-E!

The Writing Privacy Folder from Ashley Sanderson includes:
hand labels with left and right
"What I Can Write About..."
family member name words
color words
Transition words
Short Vowel/Long Vowel sound help
Reminder to put name, capitalization, and punctuation
Personal Word Wall
name tag for front of privacy folder
My Writing Office label for front of privacy folder

My next few pins are gonna be heavy on the anchor chart side of things. They are all pretty self explanatory.

Handwriting problems

Spaghetti and meatball spacing

These last few pins are neat-o projects that include a writing component.

 Biography bottles (coke bottle with a styrofoam ball head) - add a writing component. Precious!

Tell me about your writing center or send me a link to a post about your writing center. I'd love to read it as part of my "summer professional development."

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  1. Hi Kasandra!! Thanks for the shout out! And your blog is GORGEOUS!!!
    Kerri B :)

    1. Your welcome! My firsties get a LOT of use from those picture dictionaries!
