05 June 2013

New Classroom Pics

Today I was super excited to meet the team of teachers I will be working with next year in first grade! Sweet, sweet ladies who didn't seem to mind my endless stream of questions about centers, easels, calendar time and more. And, I got to visit my future classroom. I was giddy with excitement about all the decorating possibilities and then...HOLY DECORATOR'S NIGHTMARE, BATMAN!...there are two fake walls. You know the ones that look like accordions that open like a sliding door!! Yes, two!!! There is zero wall space. The third wall is floor to ceiling storage and the fourth wall is the white board. I need help. I need suggestions. I need Pinterest. This is definately going to be a challenge. But, I shall not waiver in my enthusiasm for teaching firsties next year. If you have any suggestions, p-l-e-a-s-e dazzle me with some ideas about these fake walls.

Accordian walls

Wall of storage

White board

The desks you see in the pics will be removed, but the shelves with the colorful storage bins will stay. 

In other first grade news, so far I have Daily Five and Foundations of Reading  on my professional development calendar for this summer. What's on your calendar? 

That's all folks,


  1. Oops, I ran out of steam before I posted about EOY activities.

  2. My first question is ... will the walls need to be opened at any time? When I was a 5/6 grade student we had an open concept school ... which is still around. My classroom had one accordion wall but it needed to function as a door. The poor teachers towards the middle of the grouping of grade levels had multiple accordion walls. So it all depends ... will they stay closed all year and just function as walls? Or will they need to open and close? My elementary school is on Facebook ... maybe you can friend them and ask for some pictures of their classrooms :) Go Lemme Leopards!
