Lemme just say, I am following a gazillion blogs right now. I think I follow more blogs everyday! It's my addiction. I don't read anything else. Well, that's not true, I'm almost finished reading The Daily 5. Anyways, even the new bloggers have super nice looking blogs with buttons, signatures, and hovering Pinterest buttons. Jealous! So, I looked into purchasing a customized button {$25} and a signature {$10}, but decided that paying for someone else to design a custom button or signature would not help cultivate the inner techy goddess that I know is in me somewhere. I just gotta find her. Well, months ago I created a Blogging/TpT board on my Pinterest and pinned all these tutorials in hopes I would get around to creating a blog (check) and setting up a TpT account (created an account, but haven't uploaded anything yet). I think I repinned most or all of these tutorials from Erica Bohrer's Pinterest page. My new button and signature aren't top-of-the-line, but I figured it out!!! I wasn't as succesful with the Pinterest button...YET. For any newbies who would like the tutorials I used it out at http://pinterest.com/kasandrateach/bloggingtpt-tips/. That's my new signature right there below this last line of text :-)

Your button looks fantastic! Love the polka dots!
An Apple a Day in First Grade
You button is cute! I can't find your email anywhere....I had a few questions about what you would like as far as me changing my Behavior packet (you commented on my blog). You can email me at lnjgriffith@gmail.com and we can discuss what you may be thinking!
For the Love of First Grade