
Flexible Seating Freebie, WBT Freebie and More!

Hi guys,
I've been out of school since the first week of June and I took the whole month off from being a teacher, which is very UNlike me! I didn't work on a single school related thing, and I'm very pleased with myself. Now that it is July 1st, I've given myself permission to ease into all things school related. 

In my preparation for my NON-themed, brightly colored, classroom with flexible seating I've whipped up a few goodies today. When I say "non-themed" I mean...

This past school I utilized a monster theme. The year before that I had a birds on a wire theme. And, the year before that I had an owl theme. Well, I'm themed out! I'm going simple. Or simply, "We're learning in here!"

And, if you love this super simple, clean design check out my Simple Classroom Job Cards HERE.
I am very much looking forward to a new school year. Last year, I didn't find much time to blog. But, I've got a new blog design in the works and I'm determined to hop back on the blog train and document the happenings in my first grade classroom.