
Reading Strategy Videos on YouTube!

Memories Made in First is now on YouTube!

I've began creating reading strategy videos for the parents of my first graders. The first series of videos is called Strategies Beyond Sounding Out. Parents rely heavily on encouraging their children to "sound it out," because they are not familiar with other reading strategies. I wanted to empower parents to help their beginning readers at home! 

I hope the parents of my current students can utilize these videos over the summer and parents of future students will be able to utiize the videos too. 

So far, I've uploaded two videos.

The first video explains how to chunk words, or Chunky Monkey. Look for word parts (sight words, blends, diagraphs, common spelling patters, etc) to help solve words.
The second video talks about Skip It, or Skippy Scott...skip the tricky word, read to the end, and read it again.
These videos are also an excellent resource for novice teachers.

Please share these videos with your parents! And, don't forget to subscribe!!