I'm back for another edition of Five For Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching. I'm at least a week behind on uploading pictures, so these five things are recent, but not necessarily THIS past week.
FAT FRIDAY - On my campus teachers host a Fat Friday about once per month. This month 1st grade and 5th grade teachers teamed up for a Mardi Gras themed feast of cajun seafood. Concerned about cost, I decided we should try to get some food donated. So, I called up our local Fish Place and....YES! Fish Place was happy and even excited to help out! The store very generously donated a large quantity of food to our staff!!! We purchased some additional food and each us made a salad or dessert to add to the buffet. And, one of our fifth grade teachers made a phenominal pot of gumbo too.
The entire staff had more than enough to eat and I ended up bringing home some jambalaya, salad, and cupcakes. Dinner = DONE. Does your campus host something similar? My previous school had a birthday breakfast once per month hosted by groups of teachers.
The salad I made for Fat Friday was a Broccoli Bacon Vinegarette Salad that is to die for! I got the recipe a few years ago from another teacher. I think she got it from HEB Central Market. You gotta try it:
3 large crown of broccoli
1/2 c. of mayonnaise
2/3 c. of bacon vinegareete dressing (found at HEB in front of the grill where the lady cooks and talks about receipes on the weekend)
sunflower seeds
shredded cheddar
fresh cooked bacon
Mix mayo and vinegarette in a bowl. You can vary the portions to taste. You have it right when you can't taste any mayo. Add cut up broccoli crowns and mix until dressed. Add all other items and mix together.
February is Dental Health Month, so we did a little reading about primary and permanent teeth, how many teeth we have, and how to care for them. Then, my firsties had a blast counting their own teeth (and gaps) and creating marshmallow teeth mouths. Many students decided to try to make a model of their own mouths with gaps in just right spaces! I got the idea from Cindy Sweeny's TpT store.
We pressed the molars with our fingers to make them look a litte larger. Notice the gap left for a missing front tooth:
Then, we drew and colored a tongue inside the mouth. The kids were excited take this project home to show their parents.
Next, we wrote about it, of course!
This resource is from Susan Jones' TpT store. She writes an incredible little blog called TGIF - Thank God It's First Grade!
The 100th day of school was a week ago, but I have to share this story. My class was making their 100th day trail mix using ten each of ten different snacks. The snacks were in little cups. I kept seeing a student eat directly out the cup and I would say, "M****, don't eat from the cup, sweetie. Put the goldfish on your graph. You can eat it when you're finished." The little girl told me she wasn't eating from the cup. A few minutes later I saw her again, so I repeated my instructions again. Again, she assured me she was not eating from the cup, she was putting the goldfish om the graph. The third time I thought I saw her eating the snacks I went over to more closely inspect what she was doing and this is what I saw:
The boxes on the graph were too small to fit the entire snack in so she was biting each snack down to size to fit in each square!!! Ba-ha-ha-ha. Pobrecita!!!! In her mind, she was not eating directly from the cup. She was making her snacks fit and she was going to eat what was on the graph when she was finished. Next year, I'll make my own graph - with bigger boxes! How funny! Look at the headless fish; just the little tails are left. He he he.
Sping break is coming!!!! Woo-hoo! The first weekend I'm going on a girls' trip to do a little wine tasting in the Texas Hill Country. The following weekend I'm taking my girlies to Galveston to visit Schlitterbahn and Moody Gardens with one of my friends and her daughter. CAN.NOT.WAIT. What are your plans???
Have a great week,